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Dombra - is a Kazakh folk two-string plucked musical instrument.
For Kazakhs, kyui is more than a work, it is a sounding page of the history of their people, their customs and culture.

Dombra - ist ein kasachisches zweisaitiges Zupfmusikinstrument.

Für die Kasachen ist Kyui mehr als ein Werk, es ist eine klingende Seite der Geschichte ihres Volkes, ihrer Bräuche und Kultur.

Домбра — казахский народный двухструнный щипковый музыкальный инструмент.

Для казахов кюй — больше чем произведение, это звучащая страница истории своего народа, его обычаев и культуры.

Handgemachte Dombra.
Es wird aus Edelholz hergestellt. 
Um den Klang zu verbessern, besteht das Deck aus Alpenfichte , Western Red Cedar, Sitka-Fichte oder Engelmann -Fichte.

Schellack Lackierung.

Schellack Geschichte: Der früheste schriftliche Beweis für Schellack reicht 3.000 Jahre zurück, aber es ist bekannt, dass Schellack früher verwendet wurde.

Dombra auf Bestellung 4 - 5 Wochen, oder fertig in meinem Webshop

Handmade dombra.
It is made from precious wood.
To enhance the sound, the deck is made of Alpine Spruce, Western Red Cedar, Sitka Spruce or Engelmann Spruce.

Shellac lacquer.

Shellac History: The earliest written evidence of shellac dates back 3,000 years, but shellac is known to have been used earlier.

Dombra to order 4 - 5 weeks, or ready in my webshop

Домбра ручной работы.

Изготавливается из ценных пород дерева.  Для улучшения звука  дека изготавливается  из альпийской  ели, западного красного кедра, ели ситка или ели Енгельман.

Домбра лакируется шеллаком.

История шеллака: Самые ранние письменные свидетельства о шеллаке датируются 3000 лет назад, но известно, что шеллак использовался и раньше.

Домбра на заказ  4 - 5 недель,

или готовая в моём Webshop




Rosewood has been a highly valued precious wood for centuries. Rio rosewood (Dalbergia nigra), also called Brazilian rosewood.




Padouk is popular as a noble and robust tropical wood. Most of which come from Africa. Only a few come from South and Central America

      Smoked oak-


Копчёный дуб

Smoked oak is oak wood that has been modified in color. During "smoking" the wood is fumigated with ammonia or ammonia (ammonia water). It changes color and takes on a brown to dark brown or black hue.


       Tiger  maple -            Riegelahorn-

Клён явор

The sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) is a species of maple (Acer).



The olive tree (Olea europaea), from Latin oliva, also called real olive tree, is a medium-sized tree from the genus of olive trees (Olea) that is often gnarled when old.



Amaranth or violet wood or purpleheart, violet wood.

tree grows in the northern coastal area of South America (Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil).



Wenge (Millettia laurentii) is a species of plant in the subfamily of the butterflies (Faboideae) within the legume family (Fabaceae). In the home countries the common names Palissandre du Congo, Awong and Mundambi are used



The only two species are common in tropical western central Africa. The two types provide tropical precious wood, which is traded under the names Zebrano or Zingana

Bubinga -


Bubinga is a highly valued, heavy and hard precious wood, which is particularly impressive due to its color and grain and bears a certain resemblance to some rosewoods.
Equatorial Africa, Rainforests of Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of the Kongo

  Birdseye maple-


Клён птичий глаз

 The bird's eye maple is a stunted form, especially of the sugar maple (Acer saccharum). The very light wood is characterized by point-like, bird-eye-like structural changes



Красное дерево

The mahogany family (Meliaceae), also known as the cedar family, are a family of plants in the order of the soap tree-like (Sapindales).


Nussbaum -

Ореховое дерево

Walnut is a precious wood that is valued for its decorative properties and good processing qualities. Walnut wood is the wood of the real walnut (colloquially also walnut tree), which is widespread in Europe, Asia, North Africa and America.